It would be nice to be able to view a line graph of budgeted amount vs the balance in that category (or group of categories). If you are saving for something, lets say a new car, and each month you budget $200 to that 'New Wheels' category, it is very easy to see you progress each month in normal budget table. However, if you have to use part of that $200 sometimes to cover overspending in another category, it is easy to lose sight of the negative effect on your plan for 'New Wheels' over a long period. A chart like this would allow you to easily keep an eye on your goals progress.
Maybe like this for example. You can see that I have been inconsistent in maintaining the budget amount each month and as a result the rate of climb to my goal is suffering. Maybe you could overlay a projected date of achieving said goal based on current saving trend.
Maybe like this for example. You can see that I have been inconsistent in maintaining the budget amount each month and as a result the rate of climb to my goal is suffering. Maybe you could overlay a projected date of achieving said goal based on current saving trend.